Meet the interns: Shannon Breen

So Shan, tell us about your interests?
My interests are health and fitness, show jumping, snow trips for skiing, coast trips for surfing, and reading.
Why did you apply to intern at Romero Athletics?
I had heard all great things about Romero Athletics. I looked them up, agreed with what I understood, was intrigued by what I didn’t and it was clear that there was a lot I could learn from them.
What do you hope to gain from your internship?
I hope to learn more about training, coaching, nutrition, the body and how it functions best, and to be surrounded by knowledgeable individuals.
What’s your history with sports and training?
I have always been passionate about fitness. I played any and all sports through school and began in gyms as a teenager with no idea what I was doing (as most of us do). I've now been a trainer for 6 years, study a Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science and seek out knowledgeable coaching wherever I can.
I have been show jumping for a number of years. As well as keeping fit myself, the sport requires specific management of the horses, their training and preparation and I have always quite enjoyed that aspect of the sport. I have recently become involved in the ASC's 'Winning Edge' program for equestrian athletes preparing for the Olympics and WEG.
I am passionate about coaching and training more so than when I started as a result of my personal experience with injury. Whilst seeking out professional help I was unable to get the results I needed. The experience forced me train smarter, grow as a coach, place more value on good coaches and continue my education.
What about your training now – what are your favourite exercises?
My training at the moment consists of weights, I am loving getting stronger and I enjoy the powerlifting movements; squat, deadlift and bench.
Favourite athlete?
Winx - yes, it is a horse! Look her up.
Hit us with your goals – in training and in life.
Training goals are to continue evening out imbalances, increase lifting strength, stay pain free and do a muscle up.
Life goals are to jump world cup with my current team of horses, and get accepted for and graduate The Master of Physiotherapy
What have you learned so far from interning at Romero Athletics?
Romero Athletics have helped me to better understand many specifics in training, coaching and nutrition however, most valuably, I am developing a more considered and open-minded approach, carefully questioning somethings validity before accepting or dismissing it to ensure that for everything that is included there is a purpose and for everything that is omitted there is a reason.